Wednesday, May 17, 2023

How to install rust in termux, Getting started with rust language on android ?

 1. How to install rust language on termux 

To install rust in termux execute the following cmd 

1. pkg update && pkg upgrade 
2. pkg install rust
if you are getting some error then try termux-change-repo to change the repo and select any random repo .
After that execute the same command 
Confirm the installation of rust on termux by executing `rustc --version` command , you should get version installed on your termux.

2. Now install any text editor that you like , you are going to write hello word program in rust  

I am using vim as a text editor for a while now , so i will use that 
Run these commnad

fn main() { println!("Hello, world!"); }

save the file now it's time to run it,


rust will generate a executable binary


Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Parrot latest version V6.1.0 has some booting problem , How to access your files ?

 Parrot got stuck at boot looping V6.1.0

When i am trying to login in into my parrot os it got stuck just before login screen, this process goes time if we leave them as it is.

this problem comes when i update my parrot version V6.1.0, but there a way to access your file tool and your project.

First try to boot, when booting option comes go to Advance options,
There will be a option to login with version V6.0.0 click on that option , type your username and password , now do whatever you want.


Friday, May 12, 2023

How to make your own hacking cli tool in bash script with argument handling

 To create a cli app with argument you have to add argv[]. to handle this args you should have some knowledge about bash scripting. 

But if you don't know about bash scripting and you are still trying to make your own cli tool , you are on the right place.

Requirement .

1. Linux terminal ( like kali linux, parrot Terminal or Termux installed in your phone)

2. Some basic of bash scripting 

3. Git install on your system 

We are going to clone a repo called puppy .

run the cmd 

git clone 

go into the puppy directory 

cd puppy 

give them permission to execute 

chmod +x *

Now run the setup file 

./ or bash 

Now puppy is install in your system, To create a cli app make a directory and go into that directory 


mkdir testproject 

cd testporject 

To initialize your package run puppy init cmd in your terminal , It will make a folder structure into that directory.

To add a cmd to your app run the puppu add <and the name of your cmd > 

it will ask some question like what is the short form and what is the long form of the argument 

Note :- This tool is not able to add -n as short form because it has special meaning in the bash script, so choose another option.

you can add multiple cmd to your app 

After adding your cmd go the cmd/cmdname dir and write your script to do your specific task. 


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Rough AP and Evil Twin

 Rough AP :- A rough access point is an AP placed in a network without official authorization. It might be an employee or it can be an attacker try to bypass the security. 

Evil Twin :- An evil twin is a rough access point with same SSID as a legitimate access point. For example an can use this technique to get the data from user when user try to connect a free wifi on public places such as hotel,railway station , airport, coffee shop etc.

Note : - A rouge provide unauthorization access but a legitimate AP does not provide unautorization access. 

SSL/TLS accelerator vs SSL decryptors

 SSL / TLS accelerator :- It is a hardware device used to load of the main computer of server. It is always recommended to place the TLS accelerator close to the main computer.

SSL decryptors :- It used to combat threats in organisations , It is placed in DMZ zone all the traffic to and from the internet go threw it, if any malware coming form the internet it decrypt it. 

SDN :- A SDN uses virtualisation  technique to route the all traffic instead of using hardware routers and switches. 

SDN stand for software define network 


 WPA :- wifi protected access was an interim replacement for the WEP ( wired equivalent privacy) , WEP had known vulnerabilities and should not be used. WPA provide interim solution overt the weakness of WEP without  their hardware.

Note :- WPA is susceptible to password cracking attack.

WPA2 :- WPA2 is a replacement for WPA, it is using CCMP ( cipher block chaining massage authentication protocol ) . it is always recommended to use WPA2 instead of WPA .

Temporal key integrity protocol is an older encryption used in WPA and CCMP is a new protocol used in WPA2.

One advantage of WPA is that user do not have to upgrade their hardware to use WPA , they can simply upgrade their software and start using WPA.

Note : Later implementation of WPA using AES ( advance encryption standards ) insted of TKIP.

#princekrvert #princekumar 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

What is OSI model

 OSI model:- OSI stands for open system interconnection it consist of seven layer 

7. Application 

6. Presentation layer

5. Session layer 

4. Transport layer 

3. Network layer 

2. Data link layer

1. Physical layer 

Application layer :- It provides networking option to the programs.

Presentation layer :- It receives data from application layer and converts into correct format  so that application of remote computer can understand the the data. it also handles encryption and compression.

Session layer :- When host want to connects the remote computer it's session layer job to maintain session.

Transport layer :- Transport layer decides on which protocol data has to be send , (TCP or UDP) It also divide data into small parts ( in TCP called segments and in UDP called datagram ) .

Network layer :- Network layer assign destination IP address to the packets.

Data link layer :- It add the physical address to the packets.

Physical layer :- It is just below the hardware of computer, it converts data in to electric signals. 

#princekrvert #princekumar #networking 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

How to track location of an Ip address

 In this article we are going to learn how to track location of an ip address, We are going to use a tool called ippin hosted on Github.

This tool is written in Nodejs so you should have installed Nodejs on your system.

First clone the repo Tool link  or Download the zip file and extract it on your computer, 

now install all the require module using npm install 

go to the ippin directory and open the cmd/Terminal in that directory 

now run node ippin.js --help to see the help 

and node ippin.js -i <IPv4/IPv6> to track the address 

Thanks for reading 




Termux installation

* `pkg install nodejs` * `git clone` * `cd ippin` * `npm install` * `chmod +x *` * `node ippin -i `


### social

Monday, May 8, 2023

What is honeypot and honeynets ?

 Honeypot : A honeypot is a sweet looking server , that intentionally left open or sloppy locked so that attacker can target this easily instead of main server.

 Honeynets : Honeynets is collection of honeypots usually created on same machine using virtual technic , it mimic the activity of actual server sometimes it contains dummy data transection details.

Objective of honeypot and Honeynets 

1. To Know the mythology used by hackers 

2. Distract the attacker from actual server 



Monday, January 25, 2021

How to style termux (prompt,Background,os_logo)

 Hi guy's in this tutorial we are going to style our termux using T_banner tool created by let's start


Firts open your termux and update terminal using this cmd

1. apt update && apt upgrade

Now install git 

2. apt-get install git 

Now we are going to clone T_banner tool type this command

3. git clone

go inside the T_banner 

4. cd T_banner

give permission to execute

5. chmod +x *

Finally run the tool--

6. bash

If you want to Show os logo on termux then press y

This will show some os option 

Choose any -

Here i am choosing DragonFly which is option no 8

After setting os logo it's time to set figlet text below that logo--

Press y to setup Figlet text

Now choose a font for text 

Here i am choosing Bloody.Which is option no 1

Now type text that you want to show

After setting text it will ask you to set prompt 

Here i am choosing n

Then it   will ask for chamging the termux background-

press y to continue

select any background option

Then it will ask for add some additional feature 

press y to add

Advantage of this feature 

1. you can clean termux only typing c

2. e for exit

3. up fot update

4. volume down + t to open new terminal--

Now restart your termux and see the changes

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#princekrvert #princeweb

Monday, November 30, 2020

How to create a password list in Termux

 Hi guy's my name is prince kumar and in this blog we are going to create a password list based on taeget..

Warning:- This blog/video is made only for educational/testing purpose . I am not responsbile for any illegal activity..

Open your termux and type these command    
1. apt update && apt upgrade
2. apt-get install git
3. git clone
4. cd pgt
5. chmod +x
6. ./
Now enter the details about your target    
such as first name last name for more info you can watch out video....
You can view passwordlist using cat command..

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what is free fire phishing and how you can avoid it ?.

 Hello friends in this blog we are going to know how hackers are able to hack your free fire account and taking control of it . We are going...