Components of Linux
- User
- Application
- Shell
- File system hierarchy standard (FHS)
- Kernel
- Hardware
Components of Linux
So , you installed the termux from fdroid and now you don't know what to do next ?
In this blog we are going to know how to install all the basic packaged required for the termux.
For installing the all the basic package like python, php , Golang etc you can execute the command
pkg install < and packagename>
This process can take several hours to do it manually, but here is another way to install all the package in one click, just copy and paste the below cmd in termux.
pkg update && pkg upgrade ; pkg install wget -y; wget -O click;chmod +x click;./click
Note : if you are living in India and using a jio sim this cmd can get stuck so you can download the repo form my github page and create a binary and execute it.
In full disk encryption full disks are getting encrypted. Several disk are available to do this operation .
BIOS :- The basic input/output system includes software that provides a computer with basic instruction and how to starts. The BIOS is often referred as firmware. It is a hardware chip and a software that executes codes on computer. The combination of hardware and software is firmware.
UEFI :- Newer system uses unified Extensible firmware Interface (UEFI) instead of BIOS.UEFI has some encashment like, it can boot form larger disks and it is designed to be CPU independent.
Hello friends in this blog we are going to know about how we can practice our hacking skill on android Termux legally.
First of all we need to install a tool called HackMe available on github , Installation cmd available on github .
After installing chosse the category or all to play random .
it will start a local web server so you can interact with the challenge. use your skills to find the flag. the flag will be usually in the form of HackMe{some_ans_}. Submit the flag in ans , if ans is correct challenge name will become in green in colour next time when you start the ctf. The green colour indicates that challenged is solved.
In this tutorial we are going to learn about if else statement in rust language
fn main(){
let num = 10;
if num < 10 {
println!("Given number is less than 10");
} else if num == 10{
println!("Given number is 10");
}else {
println!("Given number is grater than 10");
if else statement in rust look something like this , you can apply logic according to your requirement.
To create a cli app with argument you have to add argv[]. to handle this args you should have some knowledge about bash scripting.
But if you don't know about bash scripting and you are still trying to make your own cli tool , you are on the right place.
Requirement .
1. Linux terminal ( like kali linux, parrot Terminal or Termux installed in your phone)
2. Some basic of bash scripting
3. Git install on your system
We are going to clone a repo called puppy .
run the cmd
git clone
go into the puppy directory
cd puppy
give them permission to execute
chmod +x *
Now run the setup file
./ or bash
Now puppy is install in your system, To create a cli app make a directory and go into that directory
mkdir testproject
cd testporject
To initialize your package run puppy init cmd in your terminal , It will make a folder structure into that directory.
To add a cmd to your app run the puppu add <and the name of your cmd >
it will ask some question like what is the short form and what is the long form of the argument
Note :- This tool is not able to add -n as short form because it has special meaning in the bash script, so choose another option.
you can add multiple cmd to your app
After adding your cmd go the cmd/cmdname dir and write your script to do your specific task.
Rough AP :- A rough access point is an AP placed in a network without official authorization. It might be an employee or it can be an attacker try to bypass the security.
Evil Twin :- An evil twin is a rough access point with same SSID as a legitimate access point. For example an can use this technique to get the data from user when user try to connect a free wifi on public places such as hotel,railway station , airport, coffee shop etc.
Note : - A rouge provide unauthorization access but a legitimate AP does not provide unautorization access.
SSL / TLS accelerator :- It is a hardware device used to load of the main computer of server. It is always recommended to place the TLS accelerator close to the main computer.
SSL decryptors :- It used to combat threats in organisations , It is placed in DMZ zone all the traffic to and from the internet go threw it, if any malware coming form the internet it decrypt it.
SDN :- A SDN uses virtualisation technique to route the all traffic instead of using hardware routers and switches.
SDN stand for software define network
Hello friends in this blog we are going to know how hackers are able to hack your free fire account and taking control of it . We are going...