Thursday, May 18, 2023

what is cargo in rust ?, variable and comment. | Rust part 2

 Rust on android part 2 

Today we age going to know about what is cargo and how to generate a rust package using it.

cargo is a package manager in rust , we can check the version of the installed version of cargo using 
"cargo --version" 

To initialize a package using cargo run the command "cargo init  <packagename>"  
then a folder structure is created in current directory, go into that directory. we will see a file called Cargo.toml and a src folder, In src folder file is created with default "Hello World" program 
to run this run cargo run on your terminal.

Variable declaration in rust 

To declare a variable we use let keyword in rust , variables are immutable in rust by default. To make it mutable  we use mut keyword like this.

let my_name = "Prince Kumar"

let mut my_name = "Prince Kumar"

How to comment in rust ..

To make a comment in rust we use double forward slash (//)  
For multiline comment we use notation like this /* my comment here */


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