To create a cli app with argument you have to add argv[]. to handle this args you should have some knowledge about bash scripting.
But if you don't know about bash scripting and you are still trying to make your own cli tool , you are on the right place.
Requirement .
1. Linux terminal ( like kali linux, parrot Terminal or Termux installed in your phone)
2. Some basic of bash scripting
3. Git install on your system
We are going to clone a repo called puppy .
run the cmd
git clone
go into the puppy directory
cd puppy
give them permission to execute
chmod +x *
Now run the setup file
./ or bash
Now puppy is install in your system, To create a cli app make a directory and go into that directory
mkdir testproject
cd testporject
To initialize your package run puppy init cmd in your terminal , It will make a folder structure into that directory.
To add a cmd to your app run the puppu add <and the name of your cmd >
it will ask some question like what is the short form and what is the long form of the argument
Note :- This tool is not able to add -n as short form because it has special meaning in the bash script, so choose another option.
you can add multiple cmd to your app
After adding your cmd go the cmd/cmdname dir and write your script to do your specific task.